It has been another bizarre weekend in Cape Town. A Cape Flats woman bit her best friend’s ear off in a drunken dispute over R6. The culprit then ran along brandishing her trophy throughout the township. The police returned the ear to its original owner, who is now keeping it in a jar as a reminder of an unusual experience. Hearing this, I feel the urge to just get away - quick. What better place than Evita se Perron for a dollop of white guilt, washed down with Darling wines and boerekos(enormous plates of home-style cooking).Darling is a tiny village (blink and you’ll miss it) about an hour from Cape Town along the West Coast road. It is here where you will find Evita Bezuidenhout se Perron (station platform) with a museum or as Evita calls it, ‘Nauseum’, that is probably the biggest collection of apartheid era, pictures, posters, symbols and letters in existence (unless there is more, buried in shame somewhere). Evita is South Africa’s most renowned political satirist and cabaret artist. Why would anybody want to take time out to be drenched in (more) white guilt? Evita explains: ‘Remember where we come from, so we can truly celebrate where we are going.’ The artifacts are presented in good humour and Evita performs her internationally acclaimed shows throughout the week. There is also a Boerassic Park filled with statues, kitsch and cartoons that reflect the, mostly ridiculous, political world and their laughable players. The most memorable being a statue of the AWB leader, Eugene Terreblanche falling of his ass.( an actual event). Once you’re done with reflection and laughter, you can sit down to a wholesome plate of South African boerekos and a show. This time of year you can take a slow drive through the Darling region and enjoy the spectacular fields of indigenous flowers and fynbos. It is recommended to stay over for at least a night at one of the cosy guesthouses and allow the tranquility to saturate your soul before returning to cannibalism and Cape Town.
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