Photoshoot: La Rosa Dance School, Cape Town.
For: Big Issue Magazine
Camera: Canon EOS 350D (Digital) & Tripod
For: Big Issue Magazine
Camera: Canon EOS 350D (Digital) & Tripod
Taking photos of flamenco dancers twirling and swaying under smoky multi-coloured strobe lights is about the most fun you can have with your clothes on.
It is also very tricky and unpredictable - especially when it is rehearsal day. The light technician continuously fiddled with the light sequence, speed and strength, making it near impossible to plan a good shot - near impossible. The most charming feature of this shoot lay exactly in that unpredictability. The shot that I carefully framed and timed came out lame. Nearly two hours later, I finally relaxed and resigned myself to a disaster. I stopped being intimidated by the fluctuating light conditions and fiddling with my camera settings, and simply concentrated on capturing the motion and essence of the dancers.
Keep an extra battery and memory card handy as it takes some time to find your own rhythm within the dancers. You are going to want to take a lot of pics. I'd also recommend shooting during rehearsals as your camera's flash, and yourself jumping up and down on the stage, is sure to irritate paying patrons.

Keep an extra battery and memory card handy as it takes some time to find your own rhythm with the dancers, and you are going to want to take a lot of pics. I'd also recommend shooting during rehearsals as your camera's flash, and you jumping up and down on the stage, is sure to iritate paying patrons.

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