I edited Comic's life's City pages for two months in early 2008. It may seem light, and frivolous, but compiling 6 pages per month (with pics) takes a lot of research and completely filled up my mail box with event calenders, events and places of interest from across the country. A freelance writer has to carefully calculate the time spent on such assignments. The best part is that I made some excellent new friends, discovered precious gems and stumbled upon an old friend who is now the Executive Mayor of Eden Municipality - Rudi Laws. I remember the humble George settlement where he used to live. The township children adored him, and the people respected him for his gentleness, and his stubbourn determination. Rudi was alsways trying to find ways to improve the lot of his community. We used to sit outside in te sun and chew the fat over a half quart beer. We shared crazy fantasies of fame, friendship and fortune - I always had a feeling that he was destined for great things.
What a coincidence stumbling across your blog entry - I just wrote a piece about Comic Life
love your work, regards ralph
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